Language Arts builds the foundation laid in Preschool on This sets the stage for the children to master skills such as reading, writing. spelling, dictionary skills, poetry, penmanship, handwriting, speech and grammar. Each skill builds to another and forms a solid base which leads to ease of integration with other subjects. Writing a research project on whales or explaining how math equation is worked out is easily achieved as a result.
There is nothing in our world that does not in some way relate to Mathematics. Being able to apply mathematic skills in other areas such as language, art, time and monetary transaction are most beneficial. The four operations (addition, subtraction, division and multiplication) in are taught in detail.
Moral education means introducing practices in order to become a socially acceptable being. It consists of some basic principles, like truthfulness, honesty. charity, hospitality, tolerance, love, kindness and sympathy. The purpose of education should not be aimed at obtaining a degree. Moral education can be imparted in a better way by examples and not by precepts.
The Five Great Lessons are designed to provide an understanding of the history of the universe and the evolution of the mankind The lessons are divided into five unique parts: A. The Story of the Universe B. Life Comes to Earth C. The Coming of Humans D. The Story of Writing E. The Story of Numbers.
Kids develop their love for plants by understanding their importance in our existence. They visit parks, love to plant the saplings, nurture and water them. As a result kids Thenit themselves to planting trees around them. They develop a keen interest in nature, trees and plants. They understand the importance of greenery in our existence. We introduce animals with the help of prototypes. Kids love to explore them and learn their names. The kids identify animals with their sound. They watch the animals in videos. We also give them a live experience by organizing a trip to the zoo.
A healthy mind, body and spirit are essential to the overall development of the self. Children are introduced to the body parts and their importance. They are also introduced to Yoga and other exercise early in life, so that they can become part of their daily routine. They are encouraged to eat healthy and are guided towards a healthy lifestyle.